Conway Is Upon Us!

In the next two weeks, you may expect the following on-chain GAs:

  1. Delegate Constitution Ratification proposal
  2. ⁠Net-Change-Limit proposal

These actions follow the successful enactment of the Plomin HF (end of epoch 537), which leads us into the Conway era.

Ratification and enactment of both GAs would pave the way for the successful submission of all 5 bucket budget info actions necessary for 2025 treasury withdrawals for all Cardano-related activities.

At Wada DRep’s camp, we are positioned to see to the success of these processes, are you?

Be informed and delegate to a DRep if you have not done that yet, as their votes will be crucial for this process.

Conway is upon us!

I frankly don’t know if I will approve the constitution or any of the budget shenanigans.

It is all incredibly disappointing.

That’s an interesting thought and I love your honesty. While it’s okay to be displeased about the process or be caught in dilemma, I know you will not allow your personal biases overshadow the true stance of your community as a DRep.

I believe we need the constitution to instigate true decentralization as an ecosystem and delaying the process further might not necessarily be the solution. Regardless, the powers are in our hands as DReps and I believe “the right decision fit for the community shall be known at the end”.

Before then, do you mind sharing some more details on why you qualify the budget with “shenanigans”? I believe this can drive a fruitful feedback discussion for @LloydDuhon as he has been longing for it but hardly getting.

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