Delegate Endorsed Constittion is Up for Vote!

Finally, the time is here for DReps to exercise their very first non-info franchise in this Plomin era, which serves DReps the rights to vote on all Governance Actions. Isn’t it amazing to know that the first franchise is going to be exercised on the Delegate Endorsed Constitution? This indeed is a step yet to define the future of the entire Cardano ecosystem.

As a DRep, we are committed to learning from the views of the 44 delegators who have entrusted us with ₳11.42M voting power in addition to internal research to inform our decision scientifically.

Join our Governance Community and be part of the discussion. This is our way of ensuring that your valuable voice is heard and truly represented as it should be.

If you are yet to delegate, you may consider entrusting us with your stake and being part of the process. We are glad to have you.

DRep ID: drep155cz0w692c98wgf46zq4cz8sg9z8ycdat3qd39egygz6k2yawm6

DRep Profile: Tempo, a tool for DReps Community Engagement

Governance Community: Wada

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Awesome thus great :clap: