Cardano Drep Workshop Lagos Success Story: Recap

The Cardano Drep Workshop was a blast on the 6th of July 2024…we had the pleasure of joining fellow Cardano enthusiasts in Lagos for a workshop on Decentralized Representatives (DReps).

The energy was electric as we explored the heart of Cardano’s on-chain governance system.!

Empowering ADA Holders Through Delegation

The workshop kicked off with a deep dive into DReps and delegation.

Ubio Obu explored how ADA holders, the lifeblood of our ecosystem, can participate in governance by delegating their voting power to trusted DReps.

This process, similar to staking, allows you to retain control of your ADA while having a say in Cardano’s future. Delegation is flexible, with the ability to redelegate to another DRep at any time.

The Weight of Responsibility: The Role of a DRep

Being a DRep is a badge of honor, but it comes with significant responsibility. DReps act as representatives for their delegators, carrying the weight of the community’s expectations.

Active participation through voting on proposals using Governance Tools is crucial. DReps should be curious learners, constantly seeking information to make informed decisions.

Transparency and clear communication are paramount, as DReps must be able to justify their votes and address delegator concerns. The workshop emphasized the importance of open debate within the community – a healthy exchange of ideas leads to better decision-making.

Ayo, a Cardano expert explains the roles of a Cardsno Drep to the audience…

The Ecosystem’s Backbone: Governance Actions and the Constitution Committee

We also explored the different types of DReps and gained valuable insights into the governance action overview. A key highlight was the role of the Constitution Committee (CC). This committee acts as the guardian of Cardano’s shared values, enshrined in the Cardano Constitution.

The CC ensures that proposed actions align with the Constitution, safeguarding the network’s security and stability. It’s a vital check against potential power imbalances.

Building a Stronger Cardano: Codes of Conduct, Rewards & Beyond

The conversation then shifted toward the DRep Code of Conduct, a framework that outlines the expected behavior of DReps. We also discussed potential reward schemes for DReps and the ongoing community discussion on rewarding ADA holders for active participation.

Joining the Movement: Becoming a DRep & Using GovTool

The latter half of the workshop focused on practicalities. We learned about joining the Drep ecosystem, the functionalities of GovTool (a crucial platform for DReps), and the login and registration processes.

Ubio Obu expertly anchored the program, ensuring a smooth flow of information and an engaging atmosphere.

The interactive Q&A session was a fantastic opportunity to address lingering questions and foster deeper understanding.

A Vote of Thanks

A huge thank you to the organizers for putting together such an informative and engaging workshop! This event was a testament to the vibrancy of the Cardano community in Lagos and its commitment to shaping the future of the network.

A cross-section of the organizers and attendees happily sharing moments…with photographs :sunglasses:

Together, we can build a more decentralized and secure future!

See you next time!


This is an amazing outing and I hope to see more…

was a great day though and an informative session indeed