I have a script that notifies me when my server misses a topology update, on the hour on minute 4.
but its automatically doing this @ minute 4 51 seconds so there is a conflict.
I want to have my crontab notifcation without this conflict.
I have a script that notifies me when my server misses a topology update, on the hour on minute 4.
but its automatically doing this @ minute 4 51 seconds so there is a conflict.
I want to have my crontab notifcation without this conflict.
Both are doing the same, comment one line inside crontab file
I need it to notify me, would commenting in crontab still send me my message to healthchecks?
Keep active your script… commnet the topology script
where do i comment the topology script?
I need this crontab to run to notify me on healthchecks
This is your script?
accept there is a 4 at the beginning
Ok, wait few minutes
how should i edit it because my topology is conflicting i need to fix this crontab because its messing up my messages in logs
I can’t remember the service name
type cd /etc/systemd/system
ls -l and look for topology updater services
Share the output
systemd service
The script can be deployed as a background service in different ways but the recommended and easiest way if prereqs.sh was used, is to utilize the deploy-as-systemd.sh
script to setup and schedule the execution. This will deploy both push & fetch service files as well as timers for a scheduled 60 min node alive message and cnode restart at the user set interval when running the deploy script.
so, u will need to disable tu-push.service
sudo systemctl stop cnode-tu-push.service
sudo systemctl stop cnode-tu-push.timer
sudo systemctl disable cnode-tu-push.service
sudo systemctl disable cnode-tu-push.timer
Now, only the script seted inside crontab should run once/hour
thanks for the help i really appreciate it
now hopefully when i wake up i have transactions and some peers
You should… if not I will connect my relay
Check out my servers I disconnected them a few minutes ago to install the pci express extension cable and new graphics card that came in the mail. (probably why my uptime was 2 mins
Added a 10 tb hard drive in the relay might setup some type of media box / movies, etc.
Black is block, and white is relay. heres the parts again: https://newegg.io/2514ca8 I also added https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B093P8RCQC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have this one for my producer
Bought SH with 400$ and the SSD is 256