as cronjob

I’m unable to have cron successfully run the

I see cron trying it in the logs.

The script has 755 permissions.

This is on an Ubuntu EC2 instance.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I did try the cronjob with ./ as well.

Oct 29 00:10:01 ip- CRON[1258663]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user ubuntu by (uid=0)
Oct 29 00:10:01 ip- CRON[1258664]: (ubuntu) CMD ( /home/ubuntu/cardano-my-node/
Oct 29 00:10:01 ip- CRON[1258663]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Oct 29 00:10:01 ip- CRON[1258663]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user ubuntu

Well, cron is working.

Adding && echo “Test”>>home/ubuntu/crontest.log appends that file.

I’m using the right from the Guild page…

Did u followed the coincashew guide?

Yes, I loosely followed the Coincashew guide as I used it for my first relay/BP.

If I run the topologyUpdater from Guild Operators, it works great manually. I can’t get it to work as a cron job though. I output the errors from cron and I wasn’t able to work through them.

Adding the Coincashew guide topologyUpdater works fine with cron.

Is there an advantage to using the Guild Operators version?

Nope, both are doing the same