Hello @Alexd1985, have you been able to run the topologyUpdater script “as is” from cron job?
It did not work for me due to its dependence on environment variables I eventually had to create a script to export the variables and call the Updater. And run this script from cron. It works, but it is more of a workaround than a solution.
This particular relay was set-up using coincashew guide. So without CNtools, just downloaded the updater and env and created a directory for log. Runs from terminal, but the cron needed the tweak with exporting variables in my case.
Yes I had to update the env then it is downloading topology file from terminal. Not from cron though. I guess I could compare it to the script form my other relays with CNtools.
Interestingly I ran into this yesterday when I had changed permissions of my folder and started running the node under a less privileged user. I got that error when I tried running topologyUpdater.sh with the previous user that no longer had permission to read the genesis json to get the network identifier. Your exact problem may be different, but I troubleshooted it by adding a couple echo statement in the script to get the values of variables and the problem became obvious.