Crontab not executing (not working) resultcode”: “502” "invalid blockNo"

22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/

/home/xx/cardano-my-node/logs/nano topologyUpdater_lastresult.json

{ “resultcode”: “201”, “datetime”:“2021-03-01 21:21:24”, “clientIp”: “x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “nice to meet you” }
{ “resultcode”: “201”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 04:09:18”, “clientIp”: “x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “nice to meet you” }

These were ran manually yesterday. The crontab doesn’t work:

{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:22:08”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }
{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:22:08”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }

Alright it seemed one ran (two ran) (I added a job to /etc/crontab *not sure if im supposed to do that)

{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 16:22:01”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }
{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 16:22:01”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }

$crontab -e

22 * * * * /home/xxx/cardano-my-node/ >> /home/xx/cardano-my-node/logs/topologyUpdater_lastresult.json

{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:22:08”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }
{ “resultcode”: “502”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:22:08”, “clientIp”: “x”, “msg”: “invalid blockNo ” }

Typed it in manually on Relay 1

{ “resultcode”: “403”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:43:53”, “clientIp”: “xxx”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability” }

manually Relay 2

$ ./
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 17:46:34”, “clientIp”: “xxx”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }

Try to ran the topologyupdater manually
Do u see the same rest in log?

Check my above message

Yeah… I think I saw this issue in an old topic, it is an issue with script/crontab

You know any fix?

Try to run the script from another location like home… but try with all path; it’s working?

If yes add the full path in crontab

This is my crontab -e :
22 * * * * /home/xxx/cardano-my-node/ >> /home/dii/cardano-my-node/logs/topologyUpdater_lastresult.json

Relay 2

Relay 1


I restarted both cron.service

I think I may of found the culprit:


had this line :
instead of :


Pff , try to set the script to run at 3 (minute 3)

Okay set to 3 minutes

Ok, now check the log

{ “resultcode”: “403”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 18:55:11”, “clientIp”: “x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: "glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachabili>
{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 19:03:02”, “clientIp”: “x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” }
{ “resultcode”: “403”, “datetime”:“2021-03-02 20:03:02”, “clientIp”: “x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: "glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachabili>

whats wrong with the ip/port

Now the script is ok, but check if ur port is open

Try from internet

does the port need to be opened to anyone/anywhere?

On relays yes

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yeah i think i accidently deleted that rule today when checking, i just added thanks for the help.

im gonna DM you a message about grafana.

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