I’m having issues with the topologyUpdater for my second relay. I didn’t have any issues with my first relay by the way. The logs have been showing the following message since I started it:
yes, I saw that post too. The difference is that for them it was working in the begging it seems. For me it never worked in this relay for some reason.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cardano cardano 2486 Mar 16 16:53 mainnet-shelley-genesis.json
I’m thinking if these issues might be related to jq? When I was installing the dependencies I got this error:
and ended up installing it using snap, could that be the root cause?
but maybe you have issues with the file content - could you please verify the syntax with jsonlint /path/to/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json
if you dont have install it first sudo apt install jsonlint
Okay, I think I solved it. The root cause of the issue was that my VM didn’t come with universe repository. Which lead me to install jq with snap and not apt (I’m not experienced enough in Linux to know how this affected everything else) but what I did was install universe repository and then install jq with apt. I also uninstalled the jq from snap just to be safe.
I run topologyUpdater.sh manually once more and got the first “nice to meet you” message
And I’m also able to run gLiveView without issues now, which before I was getting error:
Could not parse /home/cardano/cardano-my-node/mainnet-config.json file in JSON format, please double-check the syntax of your config, or simply download it from guild-operators repository!
I hope this helps anybody else struggling with similar errors and thank you @Alexd1985 and @laplasz for you assistance!