Hi everyone,
So I have set up my stake pool and everything, and setup topologyUpdater.sh cron task.
After a few hours of the script running, I noticed that some more relays were added to my topology file (as expected), but it did not keep my block producing node’s IP as the first on the list. (Rather it is the last node on the list)
Is this bad? if so, how can I change it?
I am using the topology updater script from here:
Since the test network has to get along without the P2P network module for the time being, it needs static topology files. This "TopologyUpdater" service, which is far from being perfect due to its centralization factor, is intended to be a **temporary** solution to allow everyone to activate their relay nodes without having to postpone and wait for manual topology completion requests.
The topologyupdater shell script must be executed on the relay node as a cronjob **exactly every 60 minutes**. After **4 consecutive requests (3 hours)** the node is considered a new relay node in listed in the topology file. If the node is turned off, it's automatically delisted after 3 hours.
#### Download and Configure topologyUpdater.sh
If you have run [prereqs.sh](basics.md#pre-requisites), this should already be available in your scripts folder and make this step unnecessary.
Before the updater can make a valid request to the central topology service, he must query the current tip/blockNo from the well synced local node. It connects to your node through the configuration in the script as well as the common env configuration file. Customize these files for your needs.
To download topologyupdater.sh manually you can execute the commands below and test executing topology Updater once (it's OK if first execution gives back an error):
``` bash
cd $CNODE_HOME/scripts
curl -s -o topologyUpdater.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-community/guild-operators/master/scripts/cnode-helper-scripts/topologyUpdater.sh
curl -s -o env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-community/guild-operators/master/scripts/cnode-helper-scripts/env
chmod 750 topologyUpdater.sh
#### Examine and modify the variables within topologyUpdater.sh script
This file has been truncated. show original
In the user variables section I have:
Is this bad?
Nope, as long the servers are connected is fine.
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