David Baxter - Platform Statement

Do you have, at least 6 months, or more experience in Project Catalyst?
I have been a proposer and voter in Project Catalyst for more than 6 months.

Describe the Community Roles in which you have participated at Project Catalyst (e.g. Voter, Proposer, PA, vPA, Challenge Team, etc.)
I’m a Voter, Proposer, and educator. We’ve been guiding people through proposal prep and worked with Lido Nation to host a course on being a PA

What key ideas or issues would you like to champion as a representative at the Catalyst Circle?
Education and accessibility for people that are new to blockchain or struggling to find their place in the community.

How do you intend to measure your engagement?
I believe I would measure my engagement using all the metrics listed in the circle reporting document in addition to creating educational resources that could help guide others regarding circle participation. At the Blockchain Learning Center we make courses and resources that are used to teach. We could also help by preparing resources to help people understand how to contribute as a circle member.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know as to why you would be a good fit for this seat on the Circle?
I value the opportunity to get to know all the members of the circle. I’m here in the cardano ecosystem because I care about people experiencing poverty and about workers. I want to see these tools be used by people to better our communities and our world. I think they share that drive and I see us working together very smoothly.