Project Catalyst enables the Cardano blockchain to become self-sustaining by creating an ecosystem of growth and development. It is Cardano’s turbo-charged innovation engine and one of the largest decentralized innovation funds in the world.
Decentralized governance is at the heart of it.
The Cardano community selects shared ideas and priorities for funding, forming a cycle of sustainable and virtuous growth
Every three months, Project Catalyst produces a fresh pipeline of technical, business, creative, and community-focused projects - funded to deliver their proposed ideas voted for by the Cardano/Catalyst community.
With each funding round, the community presents challenges across a range of Cardano-related projects. The community rises to these challenges and presents clear solutions. The community votes on the proposals & selects projects to receive funding
To learn more about Project Catalyst, read the IOG blog post:
Catalyst enables people to implement great ideas, but funding is only part of the journey towards success. Other factors, including education, mentorship, collaborations, & product roadmap development are also needed to nurture projects and help them formalize a business plan.
To date, Project Catalyst has grown from a fund size of $250K in Fund1 to over $16 million in Fund8. Across all funds hitherto, Catalyst has processed more than 3.5k proposals & cast over 1 million votes. The active Catalyst community stands at over 52k members across 91 countries!
An astonishing 367 proposals were funded in Fund8 alone. And a total of 1000 ideas have received funding since the start of this experiment back in September 2020.
All results & data relating to each and every funding round are published here: Project Catalyst - Funded Projects Reporting (public MVP)
There are many ways to get involved with Project Catalyst.
As an innovator, voter, commenter, proposer, proposal reviewer, community advisor, or even a mentor. The first step is creating an account on the collaboration platform:
Another way is to join the Project Catalyst community Town Hall, which is live-streamed on the IOG YouTube Channel every Wednesday.
If you have an idea or are just curious to explore what’s going on at the heart of Cardano, join the Town Hall and become part of the Project Catalyst community.
Additional Resources
Become a Community Advisor - help assess proposals with your domain expertise & knowledge. Incentivized work IF done well. Read it all here: Catalyst Weekly - Become a Community Advisor
Where to find Project Catalyst?
Catalyst Announcements only: Telegram: @cardanocatalyst
Subscribe to the Catalyst mailing list: IOHK