Digest November 27, 2023: Test Governance Features Using SanchoNet GovTools, New Changes to Project Catalyst Fund 11 Updates, Developer Blog With Mainstreet

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You Can Now Test Governance Features Outlined in CIP-1694 on SanchoNet


Until recently, the only option for testing Governance features on the SanchoNet, the governance testnet, was through the Command-Line-Interface (CLI), which isn’t very user-friendly for a broader audience. While experimenting with SanchoNet via the CLI is intriguing, unlocking the full potential of decentralized governance requires more accessible and user friendly tooling. Here is where the GovTool comes into play.

With the SanchoNet GovTool, anybody can now test governance features available on SanchoNet that were outlined in CIP-1694. This option not only offers user-friendly tools, but also helps to unlock the full potential of decentralized governance.

Currently, testing the GovTool only works with a few wallets. Find the list of supported wallets here.

To get started with the GovTool:

  1. Visit Nufi Official Github and download the Sanchonet build, followed by an Installation of a Chrome extension. Here is a guide: How to Install a Chrome Extension in Developer Mode
  2. Once you have completed these first steps, create a new wallet in Nufi and get some Test ada from the Sancho faucet. Here is the link to the faucet: SanchoNet faucet | SanchoNet.
  3. Once you have completed this all, connect your Nufi wallet and start playing around https://sanchogov.tools.

For a demo of the SanchoNet GovTool, watch here a Youtube presentation.

Project Catalyst: Fund 11 Updates - Here’s What’s New!

Over the past weeks and months, the Catalyst team, together with the community, engaged in a series of workshops, complemented by extensive public surveys and feedback collection. The goal of this all was to collectively define the approach for Fund 11 changes.

Comparing it to Fund 10, considerable changes have been made. Key highlights include the Fund 11 Launch Guide 4, streamlined funding categories, elimination of downvoting, proposal limits, and other noteworthy modifications to the process.

For a detailed overview of the changes, including F11 timelines click here.

Developer Blog Series: Mainstreet

In the most recent Developer Blog, we take a look at Mainstreet. Lloyd Duhon, the COO, details the platform’s unique features, 12-month development outlook, and shares their roadmap.

First off, it’s important to note that Mainstreet is a crypto and fiat-enabled proof-of-stake solution that aims to change the way we transact our payments. The Mainstreet team aims to leverage the power of Babel fees to address certain key cryptocurrency challenges, while at the same time strategically positioning Mainstreet among industry titans such as Paypal and Stripe.

Enhanced by a smooth and user-friendly interface, Mainstreet doesn’t merely aim to navigate through cryptocurrency challenges - the team also aims to confront them, emphasizing a commitment to reshape industry standards. To understand more about Mainstreet, read the full interview here.

Other Cardano Related News

  • The Future Of Money recently published an interview with Frederik Gregaard. During the interview, Frederik spoke about what makes Cardano unique, its distinctions from other Layer 1 blockchains, and provided insights into use cases best suited for Cardano compared to other Layer 1 solutions.
  • Midnight Special whiteboard video by Charles Hoskinson
  • IOG recently published a blog post explaining everything you need to know about Partner Chains.
  • Understanding the Meaning of Extended in Cardano’s UTxO Model. Source
  • Marlowe Demo: Smart Contracts in minutes!
  • Cardano Ghana Community : Launch Success Update!
  • Great visual representations detailing Cardano’s strategic vision through its partnership framework, showcasing Midnight as a “plug-in service container.”
  • Surprise AMA from Charles Hoskinson
  • Cardanoscan is now offering API services for developers, with easy access to real-time Cardano blockchain data.
  • Top 3 Cardano Blockchain Explorers. Source

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Spotlight for Community-Built Tools

The Developer Portal serves as a central hub for developers committed to building tools and services on Cardano. This platform empowers developers to collaborate on projects and proudly showcase their innovative works.

With a vision to evolve into a reliable resource, the Developer Portal aims to be the go-to destination where users can discover tools tailored to their specific requirements.

Moreover, community projects currently active on the mainnet are warmly encouraged to integrate their initiatives into the Developer Portal.

Recently added:

  • Yaci DevKi: Create your own local Cardano devnet with ease! It includes an Indexer, minimal Explorer interface, and support for Cardano Client Lib or Lucid JS library’s Blockfrost provider.
  • Koios: Elastic light/full-mode API query-layer for Cardano Blockchain.

Network Insights


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