Diversity is our strength

Dear Cardano community,

Our community is growing exponentially and is welcoming people from all over the world. Cardano is going from strength to strength thanks to our diversity, different points of view and the sheer enthusiasm to make the world a better place with Cardano.

As our ecosystem grows and new participants from various walks of life join our project, we want to ensure that our community members are making everyone feel welcome and comfortable. We are stronger because of our differences, and our shared passion for the Cardano protocol brings us together regardless of our backgrounds.

The Cardano Project is thriving because of the hard work and dedication from people around the globe, with a diverse range of cultural and social backgrounds. As such, our Cardano Community Code of Conduct embodies our commitment to ensuring that all of our community members are respected, welcomed, and able to contribute to the Cardano ecosystem; as well as being afforded equitable opportunities regardless of their ethnic and racial backgrounds, country of origin, gender identity, age, language, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or disability.

We are particularly hopeful that our Ambassadors and stake pool operators, who have an elevated duty as active participants in the Cardano ecosystem, take the lead in helping our community evolve into a safe space for everyone.

The Cardano Foundation promotes respect for everyone within the community, and we take all measures to ensure we grow in strength thanks to our diversity. Let us act as one and build the best community possible across all our public and private interactions.

We should all be very grateful to have one of the most welcoming and flourishing communities in the entire blockchain space, and we all need to work to ensure our community is as welcoming as we can make it, together.

Our strength is in our diversity!

The Cardano Community Management Team


Well written and a very important communiqué. :clap:


Absolutely Weimar.

This is a significant statement, but many more actions are needed.

To start with, why there isn’t a dedicated Catalyst category to fund projects supporting true gender diversity (not just binary)? I’ve seen that there’s an initiative with cardanocatalystwomen.com, which I really applaud, but what about other gender minorities? Is there a space for all of us in Cardano or not?

I identify as third gender, and my other non-binary friends and I have been often the victim of bullying and insults in the space (no worries, not going to give any names)

With my team, we are working on the first gender-diverse NFT card game, a project that aims to support the existence of people of all gender identities. This is the very first time such a project was introduced in the NFT space.

We submitted our idea on project catalyst. Even though many reviewers were very supportive, few others gave us extremely low scores because they don’t like what we represent and are against the goals that we support. Their biased statements criticized our ideology/ideas, not the actual documentation and work done for the project. Here’s one of the biased reviews I talk about: https://cardanocataly.st/voter-tool/#/fund/f8/challenge/26440/proposals/402664#8848

This proposal effectively addresses the challenge

“The focus of this project does not appear to be on gaming or growing Cardano or enticing gamers, but rather on pushing gender politics. While Cardano is an open infrastructure welcoming anyone to utilize it, using Catalyst to fund “projects” that appear to be for-profit NFT sales combined with heavy-handed controversial political agenda does not seem appropriate.”

By the way, this is the only review that gave us 1 * whereas all other reviewers gave us 5*& 4* (and only one 3*). Does the content and score of this review seem credible to you?

So my question is: Why is our existence and our social cause demoted to a “political agenda”? We aren’t working with any political party, nor being funded by any politician. Is respect for all human beings and their identities a mere “agenda”?? Our project is self-funded with the sole objective of promoting gender equality and diversity. In fact, we are trying to register as a non-profit to entirely commit to maximizing our impact on supporting diversity and equality. Also, no, we aren’t just using the social cause aspect of our project to diminish our gameplay features. In fact, our game is as well documented in our official pinkpaper as any other mainstream card game. Our pinkpaper (what others call whitepaper) is 10,000 words strong. Is this documentation not good enough for the reviewers?

Here’s our gameplay demo; please have a look at it and let us know if you think this is something done as a money grab or something that can’t appeal to real gamers? What do “real gamers” need? Macho men and naked women to emphasize their masculinity? Is this how we need to append to the selective crowd of gamers? We worked our asses off for one year, developing the mechanics and visuals of the game.

Those reviews and attitudes are very unfair, and it’s sad to see that the community has approved them despite our appeal.

So our next question is. How does Cardano define “diversity.” Are projects and people like us too diverse and “controversial” to fall into your definition of diversity? I’d like to have some clear answers to this.

Thank you,
George Chrysochou
Gender Unicorns

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Awesome :star_struck:,I believe in this statement “ Our strength is in our diversity!”

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