Empowering the Cardano Community in Africa: A Summary of the 10th March Catalyst Africa Town Hall

The Catalyst Africa Town Hall took place on March 10, 2023, featuring two presentations that focused on empowering African students through scholarships and improving the governance system for the Cardano ecosystem (Voltaire CIP 1694).

The event was organized by the community-driven Catalyst Africa Town Hall project, which aims to enhance the proactive participation of Cardano’s community in building the ecosystem.

One of the presentations featured the DirectEd Development Foundation, which provides coding bootcamp scholarships to high-potential, under-resourced students in Kenya and Ethiopia.

The foundation seeks to help these students realize their full potential in the globalized economy by equipping them with the most sought-after digital skills in the market.

Moses, a representative from the foundation, highlighted how their scholarship program is helping bridge the gap between skilled and unskilled youths in Africa.

The Voltaire CIP 1694
The other presentation was on the Voltaire CIP 1694, which proposes improvements to the Cardano governance system.

The proposal seeks to enhance the community-driven decision-making process by introducing a new mechanism for submitting and voting on governance proposals.

This is expected to make it easier for community members to participate in governance, making the Cardano ecosystem more decentralized and resilient.

The Catalyst Africa Town Hall is an example of the collaborative effort to build a better future for Africa and the world through the Cardano ecosystem.

The event was a success, with attendees gaining insights into how to empower African students and how to improve the governance system of the Cardano ecosystem.

It is expected that these efforts will lead to more inclusive and participatory growth for Cardano and the African community.

The next Catalyst Africa Town Hall will be held on March 24th, 2023, which marks the 1st Anniversary of the Catalyst Africa town Hall.

The recorded video of this event is available on YouTube and can be watched here Catalyst Africa Town Hall (10th March 2023) - YouTube and interested parties can send an email to Catalystafricatownhall@gmail.com for more information. Join our Telegram via this link Telegram: Join Group Chat

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Thank you for sharing this summary @ddlezu!

How did the discussion around CIP-1694 go? Were attendees interested in talking about this topic? :smiley:

Hi @Nicolas, the attendees at the Catalyst Africa town hall were interested in discussing this topic as it directly relates to the future direction of the Cardano network. The draft documents were also shared with them, and their contributions have been highly encouraged.

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