I am getting this error and can’t figure out what it is having an issue with!
Error in the overall configuration of the node
|-> Error while parsing the node configuration file: log: invalid type: map, expected a sequence at line 3 column 8
|-> log: invalid type: map, expected a sequence at line 3 column 8
PS C:\Users\N4WBRUH1\Documents\jormnode>
Here is my config file:
storage: “C:/Users/N4WBRUH1/Documents/jormnode/storage/”
level: debug
format: plain
output: stderr
listen: “”
public_address: “/ip4/”
messages: low
blocks: normal
You are getting this error because you have the wrong version of the config and genesis files. Use the nightly builds files. https://hydra.iohk.io/build/1523436/download/1/index.html
Also set your topics of interest messages: high and blocks: high
“log”: [
“format”: “plain”,
“level”: “info”,
“output”: “stderr”
“p2p”: {
“topics_of_interest”: {
“blocks”: “high”,
“messages”: “high”
“trusted_peers”: [
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “fe3332044877b2034c8632a08f08ee47f3fbea6c64165b3b”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “c38aabb936944776ef15bbe4b5b02454c46a8a80d871f873”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “7e2222179e4f3622b31037ede70949d232536fdc244ca3d9”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “9085fa5caeb39eace748a7613438bd2a62c8c8ee00040b71”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “f131b71d65c49116f3c23c8f1dd7ceaa98f5962979133404”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “fdb88d08c7c759b5d30e854492cb96f8203c2d875f6f3e00”
“address”: “/ip4/”,
“id”: “3d1f8891bf53eb2946a18fb46cf99309649f0163b4f71b34”
“rest”: {
“listen”: “”