Failed to download from GitHub, unable to perform version check!

Hey all,

I am getting this error above both on my BP and Relay’s terminal. Should I remove gLiveView and reinstall it?


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What is the command you executed?

just the standard ./

relevant lines in the script:

echo "Guild LiveView version check..."
curl -s -f -m ${CURL_TIMEOUT} -o "${TMP_DIR}/" "${URL}/" 2>/dev/null; then
    GIT_VERSION=$(grep -r ^GLV_VERSION= "${TMP_DIR}/" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    : "${GIT_VERSION:=v0.0.0}"

maybe to debug this you could give -v option to curl and redirect the output into curl_output and remove the flag -s, so modify the script like this:

echo "Guild LiveView version check..."
curl -v -f -m ${CURL_TIMEOUT} -o "${TMP_DIR}/" "${URL}/" 2> curl_output; then
    GIT_VERSION=$(grep -r ^GLV_VERSION= "${TMP_DIR}/" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    : "${GIT_VERSION:=v0.0.0}"

then please provide the content of curl_output file

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I updated to curl_output but still get this message. I am able to bypass it but the Guildview is glitchy and the Uptime is frozen.

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check port 443 fort https

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Thanks guys,

opened port 443 and its works like a dream now :slight_smile:

please consider mark one of the answer as solution to indicate others that this topic no longer need attention

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