Overall, I think it’s an excellent interim constitution. And here are my thoughts.

I’m probably misunderstanding most of it :slight_smile:

Thank you for great work!!

No Original text Amendment proposal Reason for amendment
3 This is an interim minimum viable constitution containing such provisions and guardrails as are necessary for CIP-1694 to come into effect. CARDANO BLOCKCHAIN ECOSYSTEM INTERIM CONSTITUTION is an interim minimum viable constitution containing such provisions and guardrails as are necessary for CIP-1694 to come into effect. We will be clear at the outset that we are defining the “CARDANO BLOCKCHAIN ​​ECOSYSTEM INTERIM CONSTITUTION” and not “This”.
4 It is intended to be temporary. (DELETE) This is a duplicate of No1
5 The Final Constitution must be ratified by Ada holders. A number of workshops in which the entire Cardano community has the right to participate will be held in 2024 to refine this Interim Constitution, with the Final Constitution being ratified by ADA holders by the start of 2025. To simplify the expression, merge No.5-8.
6 Such ratification is expected to occur at the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. (DELETE) To simplify the expression, merge No.5-8.
7 Therefore, the Final Constitution may differ, potentially significantly, from this Interim Constitution based on the desires of the Cardano community. (DELETE) To simplify the expression, merge No.5-8.
8 During 2024, a series of workshops will be held all around the world allowing the Cardano community to participate in the process of completing the Final Constitution. (DELETE) To simplify the expression, merge No.5-8.
9 Additionally, the Final Constitution will require the approval of Ada holders before coming into effect. (DELETE) This is a duplicate of No5
10 Such approval is expected to occur in the beginning of 2025. (DELETE) This is a duplicate of No5
11 However, given that on-chain governance will come into existence during 2024, requiring a robust constitution and constitutional committee before the Final Constitution has been ratified, this Interim Constitution must contain such provisions and guardrails as are necessary to support and give effect to the needs and requirements of CIP-1694, assuring that the principles identified in this Interim Constitution are not compromised, until the date on which the Final Constitution is ratified. An interim constitution will be put in place to ensure the principles identified in the specific interim constitution are guaranteed between the implementation of on-chain governance and the ratification of the final constitution in 2024. This sentence contains a duplication with the previous sentence, so remove it.
13 In approaching this Interim Constitution, it must be remembered that this is not a constitution for only a blockchain but rather, it is a constitution for a blockchain ecosystem – a much more ambitious endeavor. This constitution covers the ecosystem, including not only the on-chain parts but also the off-chain parts. No13-15 sounds like a repetition of the same thing, can we express it in a simpler way?
14 Accordingly, how governance actions are approved, while extremely important, is not the sole focus of this Interim Constitution. (DELETE) No13-15 sounds like a repetition of the same thing, can we express it in a simpler way?
15 Rather, this Interim Constitution provides the basis and fundamental framework through which all actors in the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem can come together to govern themselves and form radically new approaches to human interaction and collaboration. (DELETE) No13-15 sounds like a repetition of the same thing, can we express it in a simpler way?
16 By necessity, this Interim Constitution recognizes the role of and empowers the Constitutional Committee, confirms the right of the Cardano community to participate in collective bodies for collaboration, gives effect to on-chain governance, and empowers delegated representatives (referred to as DReps) to act as the voice of Ada holders for on-chain voting. This Interim Constitution sets out the rights and obligations of the Cardano community, the DRep, the SPO and the Constitutional Committee. I think it’s possible to express it more simply. Also, it feels unnatural not to mention SPO.
17 The Interim Constitution also recognizes the necessity of safeguarding access to and the use of funds of the Cardano treasury during an interim period through the inclusion of the Cardano Guardrails in this Interim Constitution. The Cardano Guardrails, which will be incorporated into the Interim Constitution, will protect access to and use of Cardano treasury funds during the Interim Period. Express it more simply.
21 In the beginning of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, three pioneering entities, IOHK, Emurgo, and the Cardano Foundation, came together to foster the emergence of a new blockchain, the Cardano Blockchain, laying the foundation for a decentralized network that would empower individuals, and promote collaboration and innovation. (DELETE) Why is this statement necessary? It’s clear that 3 entities have contributed, but it seems like it would be okay to remove them. To keep it simple, we’ll remove the unnecessary statement.
22 Their pioneering efforts have shaped the path for a blockchain designed to ensure a fair and transparent environment where all participants can contribute to the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem’s growth and success. (DELETE) Why is this statement necessary? It’s clear that 3 entities have contributed, but it seems like it would be okay to remove them. To keep it simple, we’ll remove the unnecessary statement.
24 Over time, the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem has expanded significantly, and now, the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, comprising of thousands of Ada holders, individuals, builders, developers, enterprises, stake pools, users of the Cardano Blockchain and others, operates in a truly decentralized manner, further strengthening the resilience and autonomy of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem. (DELETE) Why is this statement necessary? It’s clear that we’ve grown, but it seems like it would be okay to remove them. To keep it simple, we’ll remove the unnecessary statement.
25 As the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem continues to grow, it has become imperative to similarly adapt and evolve its governance model, reflecting the principles of decentralization, community involvement, inclusivity and collaboration that have been the cornerstone of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem since its start. (DELETE) Why is this statement necessary? It’s clear that we’ve grown, but it seems like it would be okay to remove them. To keep it simple, we’ll remove the unnecessary statement.
27 Recognizing the need for a more robust and dynamic governance framework, and one that utilizes wherever possible and beneficial blockchain technology in the governance process, the Cardano community, as the members of this decentralized Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, hereby establishes this Cardano Interim Constitution. The Cardano community, as the members of this decentralized Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, hereby establishes this Cardano Interim Constitution. All members of the Cardano community are expected to abide by this Interim Constitution. In No. 27-33, I believe there are two items stated: the subjects to which the Constitution applies and the purpose of the Constitution. By organizing these items, the wording can be made simpler and more free of ambiguity and duplication.
28 It shall serve as a guiding set of principles for the operation and governance of our collective efforts, fostering an environment where all participants can contribute to the betterment of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem as a whole. It shall serve as a guiding set of principles for the operation and governance of our collective efforts, fostering an environment where all participants can contribute to the betterment of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem as a whole.
30 Together, the Cardano community commits to uphold the principles in this Interim Constitution and to work together towards the continuous improvement, growth, and success of our decentralized blockchain ecosystem known as the Cardano Blockchain. (DELETE) Much of this sounds like a rephrasing of No. 27-28, so I will merge it into No. 27-28.
32 This Interim Constitution shall serve as the embodiment of the guiding principles for the operation and governance of the decentralized Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, providing a foundation that will adapt and evolve over time to meet the continuing needs of the Cardano community. (DELETE) Much of this sounds like a rephrasing of No. 27-28, so I will merge it into No. 27-28.
33 All members of the Cardano community are expected to abide by this Interim Constitution, and are entitled to participate in its governance processes, including completing a Final Constitution to be ratified by Ada holders, and are encouraged to work collaboratively towards the betterment of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem as a whole, contributing to its growth, sustainability, and success. (DELETE) Much of this sounds like a rephrasing of No. 27-28, so I will merge it into No. 27-28.
34 Definition:
Cardano community are all Ada holders, all developers of, all those building on, and all those otherwise supporting, maintaining or using the Cardano Blockchain.
Let’s define it at the beginning.
37 Section 1 Section 1
38 Through adopting a constitution, the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem shall establish a robust governance framework, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the Cardano community. The Cardano community shall uphold principles of transparency, openness, and responsible governance, promoting a culture of trust and collaboration. Through adopting a constitution, the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem shall establish a robust governance framework, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the Cardano community. This includes being governed by a voting-based decision-making model that promotes inclusivity, diverse views, innovation and adaptability. The Cardano community will be guaranteed and encouraged opportunities to uphold principles of transparency, openness, and responsible governance, promoting a culture of trust and collaboration. No. 38 and No. 41 appear to overlap significantly in the broader sense. We will merge them.
40 Section 2 (DELETE)
41 The Cardano Blockchain shall be governed on a vote-based decision-making model, fostering inclusivity, a diversity of views, innovation and adaptability. All Ada holders shall have the opportunity to contribute to the governance and direction of the decentralized Cardano Blockchain ecosystem. (DELETE) No. 38 and No. 41 appear to overlap significantly in the broader sense. We will merge them.
43 Section 3 Section 2
44 The Cardano Blockchain shall operate in accordance with the Cardano Blockchain Guardrails as set forth in the Guardrails Appendix to this Interim Constitution. The Cardano Blockchain shall operate in accordance with the Cardano Blockchain Guardrails as set forth in the Guardrails Appendix to this Interim Constitution.
48 Section 1 (DELETE)
49 No formal membership shall be required to use, participate in and benefit from the Cardano Blockchain. Instead, all Ada holders, all developers of, all those building on, and all those otherwise supporting, maintaining or using the Cardano Blockchain are beneficiaries of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem and, as such, are collectively members of the Cardano community. All Cardano community members are accordingly beneficiaries of this Interim Constitution, entitled to its rights, privileges and protections and, as such, are expected to support and uphold this Interim Constitution. (DELETE) Currently, we are redefining the Cardano community here, but instead, let’s define it once at the beginning and use that.

No. 49 states that The Cardano community is expected to adhere to the Constitution, but No. 55 states that The Cardano community is responsible for adhering to the Constitution. For consistency, I think it would be better to delete No. 49 and unify it with the description in No. 55.
51 Section 2 (DELETE)
52 Members of the Cardano community who hold ada are entitled to access and participate in the on-chain decision-making processes of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem, including voting and taking part in on-chain governance regarding the Cardano Blockchain. (DELETE) This is a duplicate of No41
54 Section 3 Section 1
55 Members of the Cardano community have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem by following this Interim Constitution, operating the Cardano Blockchain network, participating in Cardano Blockchain governance activities, and resolving disputes in a fair and transparent manner. Members of the Cardano community have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem by following this Interim Constitution, operating the Cardano Blockchain network, participating in Cardano Blockchain governance activities, and resolving disputes in a fair and transparent manner. No. 49 states that The Cardano community is expected to adhere to the Constitution, but No. 55 states that The Cardano community is responsible for adhering to the Constitution. For consistency, I think it would be better to delete No. 49 and unify it with the description in No. 55.
57 Section 4 (DELETE)
58 The Cardano community is entitled and encouraged through the provisions of this Interim Constitution to collaborate in developing, maintaining and building applications for the Cardano community, and to form temporary and permanent organizations and entities as the Cardano community deems desirable or appropriate in support of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem. (DELETE) I don’t understand why we need a clause that says, We will allow the creation of organizations necessary for the Cardano community. It is clearly free to create organizations, so is it necessary to write this into the constitution?

The interim constitution will be very useful for the general legal framework and governance of Cardano


No. 33 and related comments above highlight one of the major limitations of CIP-1694 governance. Problems arise from stating that “all members of the Cardano community are expected to abide by this Interim Constitution.” The statement entrenches that the constitution and governance model aim to reduce the number of different voices within the ecosystem, which is a step backwards rather than forwards. Also, there is no way of enforcing how any community member(s) may or may not abide by the constitution. Therefore, making such a statement–while enthusiastic–is unworkable and meaningless. The constitution discusses rights with no genuine capability of establishing responsibilities, which are at least as important.

For example, nothing in the constitution or CIP-1694 governance model can stop the buying and selling of votes from emerging as best practice. Buying and selling of votes seems comparable to the behavior of stake pool operators (SPOs) operating multiple stake pools, which has emerged and continues to occur even at the most senior levels of the Cardano community to erode the ecosystem with no consequences for SPOs who may do so.

Discussion about Cardano governance consistently confuses human values and numerical values.

The lack of discourse related to the constitution is very concerning. 455M ADA in total–about the amount delegated to only seven saturated stake pools–voted on the interim constitutional committee, with about 1950 unique votes. In an ecosystem of 45B ADA, 455M ADA represents literally (the) one percent.

One cannot help wondering whether the Cardano governance effort may produce the unintended consequence of making the governance model and perhaps the whole ecosystem irrelevant. Irrelevance would by far not be the worst possible outcome of CIP-1694 governance.

For CIP-1694 to succeed, the challenge may be building technology that helps people while resisting the temptation to build technology to replace people.

Don’t forget to vote.

CHG Pool opposes CIP-1694 governance, and supports useful and original thinking, such as It Takes a Village.

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