Get pool delegators and reward distributions with cardano-cli


I am trying to get information about reward distributions (between delegators and pool operators) of a staking pool with the cardano-cli. I have tried the cardano-cli query commands but I cannot seem to find the correct command for retrieving

  1. the delegators of a pool (until now I can only find the owners)
  2. the rewards the delegators and pool operators received

Could you help me please?

Hi @nimrare!

Are you talking about this kind of commands?

cardano-cli query stake-address-info \
    --address stake1u8efrn8hg5dpqpdlwsn3pjy02yqvz9ddmhtzfssst85fvfckwqhfm \

These cardano-cli are quite difficult to use to explore the blockchain. You should look at projects like these:

Hope this will help!

@TSAR_stakepool is right. See here for some GraphQL examples:

Don’t bother. Use to run queries. You can get a free account which gives you 50k queries a day. Much easier to use json, and then process via nodejs (or whatever you prefer server side) or with jquery client side in browser.

Thanks for your tips! Will go that route!