gLiveView- Failed to query protocol-parameters from node, not yet fully started?

Try to restart it

sudo systemctl restart cardano-node

Wait few minutes

sudo systemctl status cardano-node


journalctl -e -f -u cardano-node.service

cardano-node: FatalError {fatalErrorMessage = “Cardano.Node.Run.handleSimpleNode.readTopologyFile: Is your topology file formatted correctly? The port and valency fields should be numerical. Error in $: endOfInput at ‘:[’”}

Great! Now show me or check the topology file and fix the issue

“Producers”: [
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 6000,
“valency”: 1
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 3001,
“valency”: 2

Show me a screenshot because the forum changes the format

Screenshot from 2021-03-04 21-40-51

U have less { than }

U need { before the producer line

After the correction restart ur node

sudo systemctl restart cardano-node
sudo systemctl status cardano-node


Screenshot from 2021-03-04 21-49-54

Is this correct?

Perfect, save and restart the node

Thank you so much!

Got things up and running

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