I get this error at the point in the setup: Failed to query protocol-parameters from node, not yet fully started?
Anyone receive this error before? What could be the cause? It seems like the nodes are running, the db folder is filling up.
I get this error at the point in the setup: Failed to query protocol-parameters from node, not yet fully started?
Anyone receive this error before? What could be the cause? It seems like the nodes are running, the db folder is filling up.
sudo systemctl status cnode.service
what is the output?
Unit cnode.service could not be found.
sudo systemctl status cardano-node
This returns
cardano-node.service - Cardano node service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service; enabled; vendor >
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-01-18 01:50:20 UTC; 10h ago
Main PID: 769 (startBlockProdu)
Tasks: 17 (limit: 7031)
Memory: 2.3G
CGroup: /system.slice/cardano-node.service
do you run this on BP or relay?
I ran this on both
I think that whole section on gliveview is now for a node built from cntools wich he used to make the guide called "How to setup an external passive relay node"so all paths are wrong, need to edit env file completly or get gliveview.sh and env file from somewhere else
I have edited the env file, everything is pointing to what appear to be the correct locations. I am getting a new error now.
socket path is wrong then i think
see if it says active here:
sudo systemctl status cardano-node
The only way i got it to start is ./gLiveView.sh -b master
but then it was stuck on Starting status for syncing but at least i could see the ui
even after hours
So now im gonna try other relays env wich works
Says active
If I set up to 12798 I get the connection error. If I use 12788 it opens gLiveView but says starting…
When I run systemd status it shows as active and fully synced.
my old env wich currently works on my other relay also doesnt on new relay so its not env file problem then
now i can only see node working with
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow
still syncing
Has there been a resolution to this? I ran into this issue as well. My node has started and my env looks to be pointing to the correct locations.
If you will take a look inside the script (nano or cat gliveview.sh) you will see why this error occures
I don’t see a print function associated with “Failed to query protocol-parameters from node, not yet fully started?”. …which is odd. Would this be generated elsewhere?
I think the error I’m running into is env attempting to determine the era:
getEraIdentifier() {
if ${CCLI} query protocol-parameters --byron-era ${PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER} ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} &>/dev/null; then ERA_IDENTIFIER="--byron-era" && ERA_WITNESS="TxWitness ByronEra"
elif ${CCLI} query protocol-parameters --shelley-era ${PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER} ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} &>/dev/null; then ERA_IDENTIFIER="--shelley-era" && ERA_WITNESS="TxWitness ShelleyEra"
elif ${CCLI} query protocol-parameters --allegra-era ${PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER} ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} &>/dev/null; then ERA_IDENTIFIER="--allegra-era" && ERA_WITNESS="TxWitness AllegraEra"
elif ${CCLI} query protocol-parameters --mary-era ${PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER} ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} &>/dev/null; then ERA_IDENTIFIER="--mary-era" && ERA_WITNESS="TxWitness MaryEra"
[[ ${OFFLINE_MODE} = "N" ]] && return 1
return 0
if ! getEraIdentifier && [[ ${OFFLINE_MODE} = "N" ]]; then echo "Failed to query protocol-parameters from node, not yet fully started?" && return 1; fi
I’m not entirely sure why the function is failing though.
Um… I’m not sure what fixed it, but after ~1 hour AWK, it worked just fine. Node is still syncing but I can now see the status.
I still do not have a resolution.
With EKG_PORT=12788 gLiveView will load BUT there will be no data in any of the fields and Status just says : starting…
With EKG_PORT=12798 I get the Connection to node lost, retrying 1.2.3… error ending with COULD NOT CONNECT TO A RUNNING INSTANCE, 3 FAILED ATTEMPTS IN A ROW!
I recall having a similar problem and I just carefully repeated all of the steps in Cashew’s steps 7 and 8 because I was sure I must have skipped something or did things in the wrong order.