gLiveView is broken after update

Good morning,
I´m trying to use gLiveView for monitoring my Relay but get an error after last update of the node.
It keeps saying Connection to node lost… and it doesn´t open.
The relay is connected to BP and receiving transactions.
Any idea would be helpful.
Many thanks in advance
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-05 090421

What version of gLiveView are you using? Older versions are not compatible with newer versions of node software. Also newer versions of gLiveView connect to a koios URL to gather data for being displayed (only on bp though).

There’s a new version of gliveview coming thst is compatible with nodes greater than 8.9.4.

Also with 9.1.0 being released, the issue with the missing conway-genesis file is gone. For SPOs upgrading from 9.0.0 don’t forget to include this json file back into config.json!

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Yes, good point. Gliveview loads again with the Conway genesis file! Yay!