Goguen rollout technical development updates

Dimitris and Volodymyr will guide you through the Goguen technical developer updates every two weeks. While you can subscribe to the IOHK YouTube channel to stay up to date, I thought it is also a great idea to have this information in one single thread here in the forum.

Topics in the updates go from metadata to token locking, native assets to ERC20 converter, as well as smart contracts, dapps and more.


Update #1 - 12 November 2020

Update #2 - 26 November 2020

Update #3 - 10 December 2020


Update #4 - 21 January 2021 - back from well deserved break

Native tokens & extended UTxO, Native tokens, pre-production environment, Erc20 Converter, Plutus and Plutus Apps, Marlowe, Dev Tools