What follows is just a copy/paste from Cardano Announcements on Telegram (the forum is a poor relation for announcements these days, you need Telegram or Twitter, ideally both).
Here’s a few exciting updates
Watch the Cardano monthly product update show, to learn more to hear dates for the native asset rollout and more:
As per IOHK’s Twitter updates, here’s the program and full overview for the Goguen rollout stages, showing every component and workstreams in one place. It’s as complex as it is fully featured. But IOHK are confident in the plan. And over the next 2 quarters, they’ll be rolling this out in 2-week sprints, locking in dates as we advance: https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1321878015387832323
A NEW BLOG: With more details about the Goguen rollout. Cardano is evolving into a utility platform for partnerships, enterprise & applications. Integration of metadata – information about the transaction being processed – is a key first step.
And it’s available now:
Again, I bow to you. You are truly knowledgeable way beyond what anyone thinks or knows.
Add to that your professionalism and promptness, you move even closer to heaven.
I wish you were an American citizen. As one of the top CPAs in the United States I would absolutely help you raise your credit score, increase your credit limits, and decrease your credit rates absolutely free.
I see an American citizen, because I’m familiar with the American laws. I believe you’re someplace in Europe. I also believe do you have credit cards or loans and there are such things as credit reports that affect your personal or business score.
I’m certainly not knowledgeable of the specific laws in your country, but I’m relatively sure your similar to the ones in the United States.
It would be my honor to offer my services pro bono to you.
Thanks again and please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything I can do for you.
If you know of anyone in the United States – family, a friend, a business acquaintance, etc. Please reach out to me and I will extend them the same courtesy on your behalf.
I’m sorry to be disagreeable, when you’re being so complimentary, but this is just wrong. I am not very knowledgeable and indeed have quite often posted misleading info about Cardano (unintentionally of course).
More to the point, as I said, I just copy/pasted that from an official channel. No special knowledge required. And we should all subscribe to the official channels.
There’s a common saying “don’t shoot the messenger” when the message is bad. Equally, don’t praise him just because the info is good, when all he’s doing is passing it on.