I have installed prometheus and grafana, everything seems to be working except for the data from adapools. I found a forum post that referred to this link Adding Pool Stats to Grafana Dashboard | Crypto2099
my issue is I’m having a hard time understanding this section.
That line should be added to node exporter service from /opt/system/systemd (locate the node export service and type nano node_exporter… to add the line)
then restart the service and check the status… should be green/running
i found this guide and it helped me understand the instructions better. After completing all the options, I still don’t see the adapools options on grafana.
I used the same guide - did you confirm the adapools.prom file is updated, does it look right and was recently updated? You’ll need a cron job to regularly update it. Once that’s in place, look to prometheus-node-exporter to include it when starting.
Hi guys!
I was trying to use different solutions in order to get some common metrics for my stake pool. Unfortunately all options that are described in this topic didn’t work for me…
So I finally decided to use simpod-json-datasource.
To work with this datasource the backend needs to implement 3 endpoints:
GET / with 200 status code response. Used for “Test connection” on the datasource config page.