Greetings from Ukraine

Hi everybody!
I*m Den. I want to represent Cardano in Ukraine. And I want to represent Ukraine on the Cardano Forum.
Since 2016, I have been in crypto. I write articles and I want to be usefull to Cardano Comunity and to Ukraine.

God bless you!

Привіт усім! :slightly_smiling_face:
Моє ім*я Ден! Я хочу представляти Cardano в Україні. Також я хочу представляти Україну на форумі Cardano.
З 2016 року я перебуваю в криптоіндустрії. Я пишу статті і хочу бути корисними для спільноти Cardano та для України.

Най Бог вас благословить!


Welcome Den

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Hi Den,
I dropped you a message, let’s connect for the local initiatives in Ukraine

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Sorry for the delay, welcome @Ukraine ! :muscle:
Seems we have a new potential translator here :wink:


Thanks! =)

Hi! =) Where is it? Here?
Or in mail?


I will write message here

Let’s create Cardano meetup in Kyiv this autumn (maybe in September, I think it would be good idea to make it somewhere close to BlockchainUA conference (date is not yet announced)

And let’s think how and where we can produce more content

For example here is my publication about Cardano virtual summit

I also published it on my older blog, to reach broader non-crypto audience is anyway one of the most popular sites in Ukraine

If you plan to make more translations we can think where to publish them additionally, or maybe even to create Ukrainian community site for Cardano

I have other ideas, which I’ll share later

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Welcome to our forum!

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Fine! I like! :upside_down_face: Let’s create a common Cardano community in Ukraine together.
We will be Ambassadors)
I created a Facebook page last night)
Look at this:в-Україні-102820064862070

I want to make you an administrator. Do you agree?

Thanks, Andy!

Welcome to the forum! Great to have your contributions!


Thanks, I liked the page
You can make me admin

Also, we have one meetup planned already for the end of August
I will share information once we have the date agreed

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