Happy to join this community! (EN/FR)

Hello everyone,

Quick post to share my gratitude to this community!
It may sounds surprising, but I learned crypto only through Cardano, and I’m happy about that.

I’m a haskell lover / developer, and I’m curious how I could contribute to this project in some ways.

See you around @+

Bonjour tout le monde,

Petit post pour vous dire bonjour.
J’apprends le monde de la crypto a travers Cardano ADA.

Je suis aussi developpeur Haskell, et je suis curieux de voir si je peux contribuer a ce merveilleux projet.



Hello and welcome to the forum @FlogFR,
great to see more developers joining the community.

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Thanks for posting! Very encouraging to see Haskell Devs here!

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Welcome @FlogFR!

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You’ve come to the right project at the right time.

Welcome! :slight_smile:

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