Hello from Path to Plutus!

Hi guys!

Hope you’re all doing well!

My name is Vincent Almeida and I can’t believe that I’m only signing up to the Cardano forum now given that I’ve been a huge follower of the Cardano project since around September / October 2017. Since then, I have become incredibly passionate about the project and the impact it will have. Not only have I become passionate about the project, the project has made me passionate about functional programming. Currently I am a software engineer by day and aspiring blockchain engineer by night living and breathing all things blockchain.

Although I have learnt, and am still learning, about the intricacies of Ethereum dapp development from smart contract to web app, I have been waiting, until recently, for the opportunity to learn about dapp development on Cardano. However, I found it difficult to know how to bridge the gap between my existing development knowledge and Plutus with the gap being Haskell. I kept asking myself what path I need to take to learn Plutus and it obviously involved learning Haskell. Learning a new language has its own challenges and that’s when you know what to learn. Therefore, I thought why not share my learnings and help other people on their Path to Plutus, on their path to becoming a decentralised application engineers by first learning Haskell. This is the very reason I set up the Path to Plutus YouTube channel and have started teaching Haskell as per this YouTube series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdkMrReSmt7lpGSgor6j6yNkmDeXUf_0t

As you can see from the above link I have done a couple of videos covering the very basics of Haskell. In addition to that, the filming for the next P2P Haskell video in the series will take place soon. The video will focus on using ranges and list comprehensions for generating lists really easily. If you guys are interested in learning Haskell so that you can eventually learn Plutus and then build native smart contracts, then please don’t hesitate to subscribe to the YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you can follow along as soon as new videos are released. I also have a twitter and reddit account set up for the channel - please follow any of them if you’re interested:


Even if this isn’t for you, it may be of interest to someone you know so please feel free to share; it’ll be greatly appreciated. Speaking of appreciation, I haven’t been doing this for long but the support has been amazing and I can’t thank the community enough for it. Here are some of my highlights (I do appreciate every single bit of feedback I’ve received thus far so thank you to all the people I haven’t mentioned):

Anyway, I look forward to making more videos and participating more and more in this amazing community!


Welcome to the forum @PathToPlutus! Looking forward to interacting with you here!

Best, Sean

Subscribed, bookmarked and will be watching as soon as I get possessed by motivation.

Hello and welcome to the :cardano: Forum Vincent! Your first video is playing right now.

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Thanks all for the warm welcome😊

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Welcome and thanks a lot for creating education materials!

Thanks Roman!

Welcome to the Cardano Community forum @PathToPlutus. And thanks for sharing starting point information on learning #Haskell and #plutus

Thank you so much for doing this! Will definitely subscribe and get others to as well!

Appreciate the warm welcomes and support! Do definitely subscribe and share the channel. It won’t be long before I plan the next video which will focus on types in Haskell and how to create a new type - tupples! It’ll be another step in your path to Plutus. See you on the channel guys