After looking at various eco-systems, Cardano really is a breath of fresh air! I love the international vision, the focus on lifting people up (particularly developing nations & the poor) and the intention to change the world for the better.
After 43 Years in business, exploring multiple industries, and providing digital internet services for the last 23 Years - I have been intensively studying all aspects of the Crypto-World. During the last 12 months I have been getting my ‘feet wet’ in everything from mining, NFTs and creating my own Tokens.
I’ve decided to come out of the “shadows” and really mix ‘n’ mingle with the Cardano community so I can start to work with people much more expert than me in specific areas of the crypto-blockchain industry. It seems that this forum is the best please to start, opening the doors for opportunity, and saying “Hello World”.
I am looking for advice, suggestions, guidance, and opportunities to cooperate with like-minded individuals, or existing teams, to deliver multiple crypto-blockchain projects.
The first project Carl Henry Global has been working on is called “iHEAR Trust”, it is a not-for-profit/NGO type company that I formed 3 years ago, since that time I have been researching into the core activities and matching them with businesses I have run before.
So, I’d like to say it is great to be here, please say “hello” and if you would like to know more or even explore getting involved, I would love to hear from you.
Very best regards,
Hello @anon94628977,
Can you say what industry you have vested interests ATM, and which one was your biggest success in the digital area?
Just to get an idea of what I might find interesting/relevant to point out.
I ran the NGO CHG founded, iHear Trust, and I was quite surprised about the subject of their work, cochlear implants! That to say I’ve very recently watched a documentary by the name “Going Om”, in which they talk about that life-improvement-tech.
P.S. I’m not a technical expert about anything related with computation. And as matter of fact, not an expert in any field whatsoever.
Hello Joan,
You did not see the correct website, visit please.

Carl Henry Global
1 Like
Hello Carlo,
For what I’ve seen you are a heavy-weight; way above my league…
Altough I might give you a call to build me a site.
Dear Joan,
I do not believe in “leagues”, we all have something to contribute!
Happy to help if needed.
Best wishes,
As a further clarification of our activities in our 1st Project iHEAR Trust that is being build on the Cardano Blockchain. #fund6insight
Click/Tap Here to watch the video An introduction to iHEAR Trust: International, Housing, Ecology, Affordable, Recycling
Hope to hear from you!
I’m not sure if you can use Cardano as a marketing tool; at least without permission from CF.
Read this page, Trademark examples: quick guidance on how you can use the Cardano brand no claims of official status are made - simply a statement of commitment to use the blockchain.
Do you have anything positive to contribute?
Since you asked I’ll tell you.
I don’t have nothing positive to contribute to you or your “NGO” or w/e you call to your “enterprise”.
I just had to read the well written disclaimer you have in both of your sites to advise you about marketing Cardano. I should know you would already done the homework. 
cheers carlo!
P.S. For someone who claims to be online for 23 years and have a website made by a todays 10 y/o, give yourself a break.
Ok thanks for sharing Joao!