Hi amigos! Very happy to be part of this community! Im a long term blockchain investir, amADA bullish and Cardano Foundation supporter
I want to become an embassador in Mexico and help as much as I can
Happy to make new friends!
Hi amigos! Very happy to be part of this community! Im a long term blockchain investir, amADA bullish and Cardano Foundation supporter
I want to become an embassador in Mexico and help as much as I can
Happy to make new friends!
Hola y bienvenidos!
Welcome to the community @LexKimbra
Welcome! Glad to have you here!
Welcome on board Lex. Have questions, the forum has answers.
Welcome Lex
G’day Lex,
Exciting times!
Welcome Alexandro @LexKimbra)
Hi Lex. Welcome on board. Glad to have be a part of the Cardano blockchain movement.
Saludos Lex, deberías darte una vuelta al bitcoin embassy bar. Ahí hay una comunidad de entuasiastas del blockchain!