How do I delegate to a drep?

I am looking at tutorials online and they all tell me to use the Ethernl mobile wallet. I’m not really sure what that is Is there a way to delegate with other wallets such as adalite, yoroi, Daedalus, etc and if so how? Thank you!

Right now there are only a few wallets with this functionallity of delegating to a drep.

Eternl is one of them.

Im pretty sure that Adalite, Yoroi and Daedalus will follow at some point but i dont have a date.

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You can delegate via the dApp at and connecting a wallet app that is supported. I know Lace is, haven’t tried Yoroi, but could be possible. Daedalus and Adalite won’t work because they don’t work with dApps at all.


Yoroi works as well with


Yoroi has governance tools natively on the desktop app, and the mobile app will follow within a week or so. You may also use GovTools for this on Desktop!

Hope this helps! Thank you.


You can also use the Tempo tool, which is currently being developed with many new features and is very easy to use. All you need to do is connect a wallet such as Eternl, Yoroi, or Lace and start using it. Even during the DRep registration process, you don’t need to create metadata or a GitHub account, as all these are conveniently supported by the Tempo platform.

You can also visit Tempo’s YouTube channel to watch tutorial videos.

Someone I don’t know suggested I link my Yoiri wallet to this site [Link to scam site removed] to easily delegate to a DRep. Does anyone know if this site is legit?

Of course not! If it was suggested in a direct message in this forum, please flag it, so that we can ban the user.

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Doesn’t seem to update metadata. They should be correct now and contain name, objectives, etc. in a way correctly read by all other tools:

Moreover, it says “Not voted: 40%”, but those two governance actions were parameter changes that dReps cannot vote on up to now. So, all dReps look pretty meh right now.


Thank you for your feedback. Tempo will review why the metadata was not updated. The calculation of the display percentage for voting has also been identified and fixed in our next release. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello HeptaSean, Tempo has successfully synchronized your metadata, and it is now fully displayed. The reason for this issue was an IPFS timeout error, which is neither a fault of Tempo nor yours. The voting ratio has also been adjusted according to the actions DReps are allowed to vote on. If you encounter any other issues during usage, please don’t hesitate to provide feedback. I greatly appreciate it! :pray:

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