Hi - Coincashew suggests to generate the cold key offline on an air gapped maschine by exporting the binaries form the server and running the key-gen on the offline maschine.
What exactly do i have to download from my server? Is it the cardano-cli directory? Help would be appreciated!
But I do not understand. The tutorial at Coincashew says “Copy from your hot environment, your block producer node, a copy of the cardano-cli binaries to your cold environment, this air-gapped offline machine. You can use USB keys or other secure file transfer method.”
Can you translate this to me? I’m sorry if its a dumb question but I really want to learn this whole stuff…
The binary files are the ones in my server’s /bin folder named cardano-cli and cardano-node. If i put them in my air gapped maschine’s /bin directory I’ll be able to execute the cardano-cli commands on my air gapped maschine.