The reason the @cf-team gave me for not doing this is that they currently, as arranged by the protocol itself, effectively pay almost the entire 340 ada fixed fee for each of the pools they delegate to. I then realised this is because the CF delegation for each pool is generally far greater than the pledge + the rest of the delegated stake: especially so for the small pools.
More simply put: if the CF doubled the number of delegated pools it would double their fees… perhaps more, since a larger delegation would ideally support even smaller pools whose proportion of CF delegation would be even larger.
You could say this was “worth it” if you could prove that each of the extended set of delegation winners was providing a service to the Cardano Foundation worth 340 ada every 5 days or accomplishing goals to serve the Cardano community that were of equivalent value so much that the CF felt obligated to pay this fee out of their own funds.