I’m a noob in Cardano. Im looking to hire someone to create a Native Token. Im leading a small group of people, who are interested in creating a community token. It will be owned by a foundation. Idea for the token is to be initially distributed to team members and co-creators to create incentive and ownership of the vision. Token also to serve as utility token for exchange between ‘contributors’ and ‘receivers’ and as an easy way for Patrons to support/invest into the community. We love Cardanos philosophy and its philanthropic ambitions, so we would love to create this token on Cardano if possible? Who could be available for this job?
Hey Jacob - we’re working on something similar at Gimbalabs, and it would be great to collab with you to build out your idea in parallel to ours. We can help with the tech part, and hey, maybe some of your ideas will help us clarify ours. Swing by on Discord and say hi if you want to get started: https://discord.gg/HKT4PyjFAa
Hi Jacob, just to give you a second option I can mint tokens for you as well. We have helped a few other members of the community with their token needs. Consider reaching out to us as an option.
Check twitter inbox!
hey not sure i’m seeing it - which twitter acct did you ping?
im a developer who wishes to mint tokens and start writing smart contracts with ADA
im a developer who wishes to mint tokens and start writing smart contracts with ADA. please help