Introduce myself

Greetings to the community of Cardano I’m Arthur Walls, I’m from Mexico and I’m interested in learning about the Cardano blockchain, I’m new to the Cardano network, I know little about Blackchain Cardano, but I’m interested in learning more about this interesting topic, thank you for your attention, Greetings.


welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

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Bienvenido Jose:occhiolino:

Hi, and welcome!!!

Hello Jose, welcome :wave:t2:

Friendly people on here and they have lots of knowledge

Welcome @jose_arturo_paredes Arthur! :slight_smile:

Hello and Welcome to the forum and this patient Cardano community :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, just now joined the forum to see whats happening, and follow up on the action in Cardano and get somewhat more enlightend :star2:

9th dec.
Set myself a goal to learn to code… let see 10 years from now where it’ll take me.
I start from scratch, so feel free to recommend a language. the last week after my regular job, i have been looking at basic HTML(2 days) CSS(1 day) and Python( 3 days)…


Thanks a lot, the group is interesting, greetings.

Hi, there

Thanks for your words

Interesting, thanks for your welcome

Above all patience to learn about the subject, thank you, regards.

Seja bem vindo Jose Arturo, voce fez a melhor escolha de sua vida, estude a vontade, leia, aprenda, pergunte… milhares de pessoas estao aqui para ajuda-lo…

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Oi desculpem, me chamo Paulino Gerlack - Brasil

Thansk a lot Pailino100,

I am in the group to learn what I can about the subject of cryptocurrencies, it is difficult, but I will put force of will in this objective. regards.


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thans a lot, cf_jonmoss, regards.

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