Join us in Growing the French-Speaking Cardano Community on Updev Community

Rejoignez-nous pour construire ensemble la communauté francophone de Cardano sur Updev Community !

Name: Updev Community
Description: Creating room for developers and technologists to learn, share and upgrade skills and knowledge in Cardano Blockchain

**Hello everyone,

I am writing to invite you all to join us in growing the French-speaking Cardano community on the Updev Community platform. Our platform is dedicated to exchanging knowledge and fostering discussions on various topics related to technology, and we strongly believe that Cardano is an important part of this conversation.

As Cardano ambassadors, I’m sure you share our passion for promoting and growing the Cardano community. By joining our platform, you can contribute to the French-speaking Cardano community by sharing your knowledge and engaging in discussions with other enthusiasts.

Our platform already has a significant following of tech enthusiasts, and we are confident that your expertise and insights will add immense value to our community. We would be honored to have you join us and help us further our mission of growing the French-speaking Cardano community.

Thank you for considering this invitation. We look forward to welcoming you to Updev Community.**

Reason: The purpose of this message is to invite Cardano ambassadors to join the Updev Community platform and help us grow the French-speaking Cardano community. We believe that by sharing their knowledge and engaging in discussions on our platform, these ambassadors can contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Cardano community in the French-speaking world.

Paid or voluntary: Voluntary