The Cardano Indonesia community received an invitation from the ITB MBA Student Association (ASOMBA) to fill their activity entitled “Kreanesia Night Festival MBA ITB Campus Bandung” for alumni sharing session. The speakers in this session are:
- Fanny Wijaya, MBA from Cardano Indonesia Community & Cardano Woman Indonesia
- Randy, MBA from Cardano Indonesia Community
- Nur Islamic Javad, MBA, from Sharing Vision & BIM
The three speakers came from 3 different majors and batches at the MBA ITB Bandung campus. The discussion in this session discussed how the lecture process while at MBA ITB, how the learning process during college helps current work and what fields of work are currently being pursued. What’s interesting here, Kreanesia is considered to be the main event for the faculty at the end of the semester. The audience are around 150 people, they dine in with projects and entrepreneurs, multiple booths showing its ideation with so many resources. Sponsorship came from Alumni and Lecturers relations, making it almost no cost to prepare everything. Same like the classroom itself, MBA ITB is well independent but inclusive for the internal. We are honored to come to the top 20 prestigious Universities in Asia.
Fanny as the project manager of the Funded Proposer for the Proposal "Cardano Hub Surabaya & Cardano Workshop Jakarta and Cardano Woman Indonesia told how the process went through to get to that stage and explained the Project Catalyst from the Cardano Foundation. What elements must be prepared to submit a proposal to the catalyst project by ideascale, including the SGD Rating from the United Nation and the effect of the project on the Cardano Ecosystem. Fanny also explained that each Challenge in each fund can get a maximum of 100 K -750 K ADA for each project. Our programme in this proposal is to involve students and academics to be active in catalyst projects available in the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem. Thus, the narrative went along to tell more about the experience after graduation and how it can be shifted to the blockchain industry with a diverse set of skills required. Questions came from the students and the lecturer, even a senior lecturer came to us and tried to engage more channels involved.
Roles activation
Randy, one of the team on the Funded Proposer Member for the Proposal "Cardano Hub Surabaya & Cardano Workshop Jakarta and Moderator for Project Catalyst tells the potential opportunity for students or academics to become proposal reviewers on the catalyst project by Ideascale. These students and academics have the capabilities that are suitable for assessing proposals in each fund. Randy also gave his experience as a Community Reviewer from fund 9 and now has risen to become a moderator in this assessment process and also gave a picture of the rewards that have been received by each fund. The crowd was amazed and directly asked for his personal social media, as the previous event consisted of sharing each other’s projects with students, the discussion escalated.
We got a positive response from students and lecturers who have an interest in learning more about the Cardano Ecosystem from the Non Tech side. We provide space for students and lecturers who have an idea to do mentoring with us to submit proposals on ideascale and become Community reviewers.
We are waiting for the new Proposers and reviewers from MBA ITB. Further escalation will be required in order to achieve a potential enthusiast as our program is called “ mini ambassador”. After the election period is done in Indonesia on 14th February 2024 and rest for several days, they will meet again to represent more official and written cooperation, engage more students, alumni, and lecturers. Several programs have been discussed with integration of works and some proposed roles to be activated.
Telling this story would be lovely for all community members in which they should have the heart to teach and build a relationship to convince that they are valuables.
Instagram Post By ASOMBA, link
Photo Booth : Fanny Wijaya, MBA from Cardano Indonesia Community & Cardano Woman Indonesia and Randy, MBA from Cardano Indonesia Community
Photo: Alumni MBA