Road to Cardano Hub Tasikmalaya as Community Reviewers Pool

:calendar: Friday, 26 April 2024

:bulb: Purpose of Event
Discussion about Project Catalyst:

  • Fund Overview
  • How Can I Participate?
  • Timeline Project Catalyst
  • Funded Proposal
  • Community Reviewer

:speaker: Host & Speaker

  • @Fanny_wijaya (Host & Speaker)
  • Randy - Community Moderator Ideascale

:family_man_woman_girl_boy: Total Participants: 55 participants

:paperclip:Event Flyer:

:camera_flash: Documentation

:video_camera: Video Records


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) onboarding the potential proposers

In December 2023, we were individually invited to be judges at the Pitching Day event for the Business Startup course at the Indonesian Education University Campus - Tasikmalaya City. On this occasion, Fanny and Randy represented as Project Manager and Community Manager of Cardano Workshop Jakarta as our entity. With the cooperation of Lecturer from Tasikmalaya, and several open discussion, the university decided to take the chance for the whole class of Mr. Yusuf as Lecturer to onboard the ecosystem of Proposer. With a total audience of 60 people, which Mr.Yusuf told me about, some students were also using the same device, since the online event started after their class time. So at the peak of this online event, 45 user accounts were there.

The material delivery consists of Impact section, Feasibility section, and Value for Money section. I also invite another speaker to support the assessment method since Randy is Community Moderator lv2 for previous fund11. The knowledge transferred to a better approach as Mr.Yusuf joined in the conversation to enhance the common subjects from university syllabus to be aligned with the whole topic and discussions.

This effort gained a new small group consisting of 30 people who moved to Whatsapp Group to get an understanding on the same page. The Fund12 is near, and their preparation to do assessment is almost ready. Things to do is to make sure they sign up and complete the process to be an Assessor.

Values on stages: the reward they can get from this platform surely helps the whole ecosystem of their own family, as Tasikmalaya is a small city and generates lower wages than other cities.
With the recent issues on how high and expensive the universities were in Indonesia, Project Catalyst became their option to do it, and for me myself, so blessed to have this kind of opportunity reminding people in need.