Startup Pitching Day 2023 - UPI Tasikmalaya

The Cardano Indonesia community received an invitation from UPI Tasikmalaya Business Startup programme. At the UPI Tasikmalaya campus visit, we were asked to fill the Startup Pitching Day 2023 as Pitching day judges to provide direction to students in the business startup course mentored by Mr Ismail Yusuf. There were 10 student groups consisting of 5 people each. After the last event with Kreanesia ITB University, contacts are bountiful and we got invited to be the Judges for this time.


The students were given the task to create a technology-based project by taking issues that occur in society and market research using data from expert research. The expected end result of this task is that students can have a startup business (Digital Business) and can run it after they graduate from college. This comes as alternatives in which to be supported by experts outside the UPI’s ecosystem. To support Mr Yusuf initiatives, we try to contribute as we are also given the opportunity to share and get them onboard to our whatsapp group with separate break out rooms as the Lecturer understands the variables of students in their entrance time frame will be beneficial with this treatment.

The mentorship invitation was attended by several practitioners and lecturers including:

  1. Ismail Yusuf, ST, MBA, Co-Founder of Entre & IHUB UPI
  2. Dr Nandang, M.PD, Lecture & researcher Entre UPI
  3. Fanny wijaya, Project manager of Cardano Women Indonesia, Cardano Hub Surabaya, and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
  4. Randy, Project Catalyst Moderator of Cardano Ideascale
  5. Zulfikar Rifan, Co-founder of Foodurama, Healfit & Bobobox
  6. Sabrina Khairunisa, Founder & CEO of Education HUB

Fanny wijaya, Project manager of Cardano Women Indonesia, Cardano Hub Surabaya, and Cardano Workshop Jakarta

Randy, Project Catalyst Moderator of Cardano Ideascale
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-12 at 14.35.00

At the time of pitching students are given 5 minutes to explain their product proposal, in this proposal presents several things including:

  1. Product Development
  2. Team member & Roles Management
  3. Business Process
  4. Lean Canvas
  5. Mockup Apps
  6. Revenue Streams

This pitching day is carried out in the framework of the final test in the final exam of semester 3 in the digital business department, the expected results are that students can hone their abilities and confidence to be able to express their ideas as a means of practicing Pitching actual investors.

The issues raised for the creation of their digital products are:

  • Plastic Waste Processing
  • Restaurant leftover food processing
  • Diabetes Tracker
  • Agriculture Management
  • Stunting Tracker
  • Online learning & training
  • Architectural, civil & interior design consultancy
  • Household waste management
  • Mental Health Consultation
  • Finance and Investment Consultancy

Out of the 10 groups there are three groups that are interested and will be mentored by us to continue their projects into Catalyst projects. The diversity of the topic comes from the roots of general approach into national approach, it will be different for the students who want to solve more local issues to the ready to go market as some of them will need capital to execute each project. This time, we managed to engage the students with specific knowledge on how the Ideascale and the existence of Cardano Workshop Jakarta as pre-Hub installation wannabe. Due to its long period of Indonesian Campaign period, we still managed to get some of them onboard.