[Catalyst School Indonesia x UGM] Workshop #3: Cara Membuat Proposal Menggunakan IdeaScale

:date: Date: Saturday, 18 November 2023

:bulb: Purpose of this event:

  • Explanation about IdeaScale and how to navigate on it
  • Pragmatic approach to submit proposal via IdeaScale

:speaker: Host & Speakers:

:family_man_woman_girl_boy: Total participants: 30 attendees

:video_camera: Recorded session can be rewatched in Cardano Eastern Town Hall YouTube Channel. Please kindly click link below to watch the video via YouTube:

  • Will be uploaded ASAP

:paperclip: Project Catalyst Documentation: Proposal submission Guide - Project Catalyst - Knowledge Base


In the third Catalyst School Workshop, Gadjah Mada University students are given the pragmatic approach to submit a proposal via IdeaScale website.

The intent of a more pragmatic approach is to not overwhelm the students, especially since end of semester exams are coming up in 2 (two) weeks. Showing only what are the essentials in terms of; specific categories the lecturers and students are eligible to submit a proposal will allow them to focus their efforts in experiencing submitting a proposal rather than overviewing every detail of Catalyst.

Therefore their time and effort to take extra-classes on the weekends have tangible outputs that potentially can alter their education and aspirations path in the form of having a proper proposal that is voted on. By showcasing that indeed submitting a proposal in Catalyst is no different than preparing a proposal for a student event or for their final thesis, the students can then understand the act of making a proposal for the global Cardano community in itself, is a beneficial practice session later down their university education track.

Via Catalyst School Indonesia workshop series, we hope more people from our local community would like to learn more about Catalyst & actively participate on it :cardano:

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