Celebrating Fund12 with Focus Working Group

:calendar: Saturday, April 27th 2024

:bulb: Purpose of Event
Discussion about Project Catalyst:

  • Fund 12 Launch
  • What’s new at Fund 12
  • Timeline Fund 12
  • Task
  • Cardano Ambassador Program
  • Cardano Mini Ambassador Program

:speaker: Host & Speaker

  • @Fanny_wijaya (Host & Speaker)
  • Randy - Community Moderator Ideascale (Speaker)

:family_man_woman_girl_boy: Total Participants: 21 participants

:paperclip:Event Flyer:

:camera_flash: Documentation

:video_camera: Video Records
(Video will be update on Cardano Woman Indonesia Channel)

To make it memorable and the important narrative from Catalyst Working Groups, I as Cardano Ambassador Meetup Organizer Indonesia take a chance to show LiveStream of Project Catalyst Fund12 and the Working Groups in Barcelona, Spain. This has encouraged the group to make more question through the session and whatsapp group:

  1. General guidance to be a proposer
  2. NFT knowledge to mapping each other ideation
  3. Potential category challenge to enter for the group
  4. And become an assessor
  5. Chance to be Milestone Reviewer
  6. Chance to be POL Verificator

This Focus Group has expanded its members from 20 to 35 people in just a week without any effort intentionally. Community Moderator Lv 2, Randy also deliver some introduction to the points above and adding below points:

  1. Do’s and Don’ts when become assessor
  2. Morally do’s and don’ts when become proposer
  3. What can we do as applicant
  4. What can we do to serve the preparation of a Focus Group?

I concluded the meetup after several updates from Cardano Ecosystem as well.

At the end of this session we gave an assignment to try to become a community reviewer with an example statement from Fund 11 via Google form. We will review the final results 1 week after to see the writing done by prospective community reviewers.