Leader in Block Production but 0 confirmed

I’m at a loss, I’ve tried everything and did all the research I can but still can’t seem to figure it out.

My cardano-node is verison 8.7.3 on preview.
cncli is synced, and cnsli.sh has been updated with POOL_VRF_SKEY, POOL_VRF_VKEY, POOL_ID

chrony is installed

journalctl --unit=cardano-node | grep -A 2 “NodeIsLeader”
returns empty

sudo journalctl --unit=cardano-node -g InvalidKesSignature
– No entries –

cardano-cli text-view decode-cbor --in-file /opt/cardano/cnode/priv/pool/POOL/op.cert | grep int | head
00 # int(0)
19 03 05 # int(773)

curl localhost:12798/metrics | grep KES
cardano_node_metrics_operationalCertificateStartKESPeriod_int 773
cardano_node_metrics_operationalCertificateExpiryKESPeriod_int 835
cardano_node_metrics_remainingKESPeriods_int 62
cardano_node_metrics_currentKESPeriod_int 773

vrf hash matches the one on preview explorer, all the keys date match

before I wasn’t even showing Lost blocks, so this is new, I’m stumped at this point - my next step is to start fresh again

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 10.02.44 PM

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still stuck, any help is appreciated

I just redid a whole new node with the guild-operators guide, restored the pool and wallets, and rotated the kes keys

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 10.55.15 PM

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Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 10.02.44 PM

Hello, you should ONLY have your relay communicating with the block producer (BP). In your case, there is 1 incoming connection (presumably the relay) but none outgoing (Duplex = 0) and other outgoing connection

Check the topology file in your BP and relay, it should be like this:

Block producer

  "localRoots": [{
          "address": "your relay ip",
          "port": your relay port
      "accessPoints": [],
      "advertise": false,
      "valency": 1
  "publicRoots": [
      "accessPoints": [ ],
      "advertise": false
  "useLedgerAfterSlot": -1


  "localRoots": [
      "accessPoints": [{
          "address": "Your bp ip",
          "port": your bp port
        } ],
      "advertise": false,
      "valency": 1
  "publicRoots": [
      "accessPoints": [
          "address": "preview-node.play.dev.cardano.org",
          "port": 3001
      "advertise": false
  "useLedgerAfterSlot": 31536600

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yeah on mainnet I had my bp only connected to my relay but since its on preview and im troubleshooting im trying to cut out the variables

thanks for your reply - appreciate you looking at it

So wait, what you are looking for? This topology that i provided was for preview testnet

im finding blocks but not getting confirmed, its all getting ghosted

i just updated my bp so its only connected to my relay

finally got some blocks confirmed, not sure 100% what happened but i think separating the relay from bp fixed it or changing the cpu cores to 4 in cnode.sh (No more missed slots (during epoch) after changing one setting)

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 10.19.39 AM

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