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Username: Sequoia (Quoia75)
Governance Beliefs:
“The old fictions that moved the world are no longer relevant.” If Cardano is to be a ecosystem truly governed by its community, I want to do what’s possible to encourage equitable participation and diffuse imbalances of power so that a greater diversity of voices can be represented.
As a DRep I aim to represent the interest of community stakeholders who are concerned with:
- Strengthening Cardano’s brand
- Attracting new users to the chain
- Supporting inclusion and participation by all members of the Cardano community
- Diverting part of Cardano’s treasury toward supporting smart marketing initiatives
After spending several months advocating for marketing initiatives in the Cardano ecosystem as a volunteer, business owner, and participant in Project Catalyst, it has become clear that there is a need for governance-level representation on this issue. Missed opportunities like having USDC integrated into the ecosystem or having Cardano adopted by a major payments processor like Stripe (which is actively incorporating Polygon and Solana), aren’t incidental, but a symptom of an imbalance of stakeholder representation. The community has been calling for better marketing for years, as a DRep I hope to provide a clear option for where support can be placed to improve Cardano’s chances of being better marketed.
I’m a marketing specialist and agency owner with over 15 years of experience helping mission-driven businesses connect with target audiences, grow their customer bases, and create a world where high-impact solutions have an opportunity to contribute to the greater good. As a contributor to the Cardano ecosystem, I have been an active participant in PoS staking since testnet, I’ve volunteered as a Community Reviewer in several rounds of Project Catalyst and I’m an active member of Intersect MBO.
Identity Verification:
(bring to my attention any governance actions you think are relevant to this profile):
sequoia (@) funnelamp (DOT) com
Intersect MBO
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