What use case more susceptible to touch the nerve of the real economy than facilitating the usage of Giftcards?
Giftcards: practical for all occasions.
Let’s explore this scenario by deploying one of the Aiken contracts from the MeshJS library.
Step 1: Go to https://meshjs.dev/smart-contracts/giftcard
Step 2: Go to the “Create Giftcard” section.
Step 3: Connect your preprod wallet funded with test Adas.
Step 4: Click on the “Run code snippet” button.
You can customize the “Gitfcard amount” and the “Gitfcard name” fields.
Step 5: If the Transaction is successful, copy the Tx Hash generated in the “Result” field.
Step 6: Go to the “Redeem Giftcard” section.
Step 7: In the “Tx Hash” field, paste the Tx Hash from the previous operation.
Step 8: Click on the “Run code snippet” button.
And that’s it!
Would you like to take a look at the source code of the contract? For sure! Go to https://github.com/MeshJS/mesh/tree/main/packages/mesh-contract/src/giftcard
MeshJS: making life easier for Developers.