Use cases are named as such because observers can easily see them represented in the real world, providing solutions for their day-to-day lives.
There has been no more common use case in human societies of all times than to split a payment equally among several parties. The advantage of using the Aiken contract from the Mesh library is: It puts an end to arguments between people. The code makes the decisions.
Let’s experience the sense of peace that comes from fair distribution without discussions, brought to us by the Mesh team.
Your role: two roles.
- First: Donor
- Next: Beneficiary, together with 4 other arbitrary beneficiaries assigned for this demo.
Your donation as a Donor: 10 tAdas.
Your share of the pie as a Beneficiary: 2 tAdas.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Go to the “Send Lovelace to Payment Splitter” section.
Step 3: Connect your preprod wallet funded with test Adas.
Step 4: Click the “Send Lovelace to Payment Splitter” button.
Challenge: copy the TxHash thrown in the “Result” field. Go to and see how the money flows.
Step 5: Now, go to the “Trigger Payout” section and click on the “Trigger Payout” button.
Challenge: copy the TxHash thrown in the “Result” field. Go to and see again how the money went among the 5 beneficiaries.
And that’s it!
Would you like to take a look at the source code of the contract? For sure! Go to
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