Mobile DApp connector

Is this a thing that someone is working on right now? Is there a connector that lets me connect a web page (like SundaeSwap) on my mobile phone to my Cardano wallet app, like Yoroi Mobile or any other mobile Cardano wallet app?

I’m a DApp developer about to get started on a browser-based Cardano NFT game. The game is going to be playable on mobile too, so I’d like our marketplace to be usable on my phone, if possible.


it looks for the moment only web/browser wallet Nami and ccvault are required to connect on sundaeswap dex

maybe yoroi will be available, but perhaps only the web/browser version


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Here is a good description of the underpinnings of the nami wallet’s connector that might be usable in your application:

… with a lot of useful discussion here, which helped produce the currently posted draft:

Hi, this currently isn’t a fully fledged wallet for mobile yet that can interact with DApps, but here have been implementations with parts of the wallet for different purposes. I believe MinSwap have a mobile app that can interact with their DEX and I myself have light wallet implemented that into a Mobile app that has only the essential functionality that the app needs.

You can do the same, implement only the elements of the wallet that you mobile app needs by using the cardano-wallet backend that you’ll need to have running on your server and have the mobile app call its API for retrieving balances, signing and submitting transactions. I have some example function for that in my git repo:

All the best