Last nights meetup in NYC!
@Nathan_Kaiser, @Donnybaseball, @SebastienGllmt, @garrygolden

Please forgive the quality of the footage, not a cinematographer . The meeting was recorded, there should be an official version coming out soon!
Last nights meetup in NYC!
@Nathan_Kaiser, @Donnybaseball, @SebastienGllmt, @garrygolden
Please forgive the quality of the footage, not a cinematographer . The meeting was recorded, there should be an official version coming out soon!
Thanks for sharing @SeanAlimov!
Yes official video from dLab will be coming so we’ll post once its ready.
I’m sure the community would love to know more if you, any other attendees or @Donnybaseball would like to write a recap in the Meetup category to share on who was there, topics covered, atmosphere
Thanks Sean - and much better than my amateur selfies
Thank you Sean! Working on the recap now.
It was a pleasure getting to know some of the community in person at the event. Looking forward to meeting more of you in future NYC events too
Thank you for sharing these with the community @SeanAlimov! I will move this post into our meetup section
thanks for posting.
Thank you, Sean!
Great to meet everyone! We look forward to hosting future events @ dLab!