Hi Cardanians,
Hoping someone can shed some light on how the signing keys for payment and stake addresses are derived from private key? Reading the documentation for cardano-address, the verification keys payment.vkey and stake.vkey are derived as:
$ cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 < root.xsk | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code > payment.xvk
cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 < root.xsk | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code > stake.xvk
I’m having trouble finding the explicit derivation of the signing keys from here. Thanks in advance for any help
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<big><strong>Cardano Addresses</strong></big>
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## Overview
This module provides mnemonic (backup phrase) creation, and conversion of a
mnemonic to seed for wallet restoration, and address derivation functionalities.

## Documentation
API documentation is available [here](https://input-output-hk.github.io/cardano-addresses/haddock).
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i hope it’s work for you . @alex-2045
# cardano-addresses
The `cardano-addresses` utility is a command line tool for manipulating - guess
what - addresses.
You can find its source code in the following repository:
but most users would simply want the compiled binaries from the
[release page](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-addresses/releases)
> **IMPORTANT** All of the steps described here apply to linux. You will have to
> adapt the commands to make things work on Windows, but the sequence of steps
> is the same.
## Installation
Simply download the latest released file for your operating system for the
[release page](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-addresses/releases)
Unzip the file and you should get a `cardano-address` binary.
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