Privatemessage scams

I get private messages from user Thomas1 and sanda telling me this
“Talk to Cardano Support on the [Live support page] so that your issue can be looked into.”

The link points to a scammy looking address “” (not the the whole address…)

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Hello @Klaffin,

Could you please show a screenshot of the messages you mention?


Thomas1 dissappeared so I cant shot that… but his message was identical to sanda’s

looks scammy to me…


I also just now noticed user: Garry66 has sent the exakt same message…

Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to flag such messages (under the three dots in the lower right of the message).

Then, moderators should be able to see the problem immediately.

few week had the same and flag it
be alert thiefs everywhere

Nice, I learned something new today!

“” is the SCAM: asking for pass phrase, do not provide them any information.