Problem retiring the stake pool

ok, wait and keep me updated

gLiveView is stuck at “starting” status.
After 20 minutes or so, it crashed one time with “3 failed attempt in a row” message, i had to launch it again but since now, it never shown the synch status.

However something strange happened:

Aug 11 14:18:46 rotapool bash[356409]: [rotapool:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:4500] [2021-08-11 12:18:46.02 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 7ba49f69500e229356ca89b28542e21f530f4ad0290c09ae3aa704fb2c417efc at slot 36780251
Aug 11 14:18:47 rotapool bash[356409]: [rotapool:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:4510] [2021-08-11 12:18:47.00 UTC] {"kind":"TraceStartLeadershipCheck","chainDensity":5.009397e-2,"slot":37118036,"delegMapSize":731569,"utxoSize":2813063,"credentials":"Cardano"}
Aug 11 14:18:47 rotapool bash[356409]: [rotapool:cardano.node.Forge:Error:4510] [2021-08-11 12:18:47.00 UTC] fromList [("val",Object (fromList [("kind",String "TraceNoLedgerView"),("slot",Number 3.7118036e7)])),("credentials",String "Cardano")]
Aug 11 14:18:58 rotapool bash[356408]: /home/berryales/cardano-my-node/ line 18: 356409 Killed                  /usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology ${TOPOLOGY} --database-path ${DB_PATH} --socket-path ${SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr ${HOSTADDR} --port $PORT --config $CONFIG --shelley-kes-key ${KES} --shelley-vrf-key ${VRF} --shelley-operational-certificate ${CERT}
Aug 11 14:18:58 rotapool systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a
Aug 11 14:18:58 rotapool systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Aug 11 14:19:03 rotapool systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Aug 11 14:19:03 rotapool systemd[1]: Stopped Cardano node service.
Aug 11 14:19:03 rotapool systemd[1]: Started Cardano node service.

It seems like the process was killed but I didn’t…and then it restarted (autorestart of the service). Maybe some problem with the operational certificate?

Mem issues, stop the relay, go to configuration file an set TraceMempool to false

Then restart again the node

I’ve stopped the relay but the node had already that config attribut set to false.
Now after launching gLiveView it shows syncing 100%


I tried a simple transaction (from coincashew guide), no ada were moved.
I’ll wait some time and try to deregistrate the pool. Thanks

Wait till u will see started… it’s not synced yet

It is synched now!
I sent some ada to test if it’s working and all went fine.

I followed the procedure to retire the stakepool and the transaction went ok.
I’ll wait till my registration cost return back to me. I left some ada because they are need for the retire process right? It needs 5 ada minimum right?

After all is complete we can close the topic, but i don’t know what was the solution.
I guess after the 1.26 version running a node required more resources and maybe the raspberry is not able to keep the pace. Since the configuration parameters never changed and it suddenly stop to work after update the node and the cli, it could be a mem issue as you said, i just don’t know. Thanks again Alex, you are very precious for the community! Have a nice evening

I’ll wait till my registration cost return back to me. I left some ada because they are need for the retire process right? It needs 5 ada minimum right?

Nope, just dor transactions fees but 5 it is fine;

After all is complete we can close the topic, but i don’t know what was the solution.

Insufficient resources, 1.27.0 requires a lot of RAM

Reaching out just to say pool is retired, everything’s fine.
The ada were put in reward address and the only thing i did was whitdraw them and send to another wallet.
Thanks very much for the support.

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You are welcome :beers:

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