Processed TX is 0

Thanks for your patients … you are a hero :wink:

No problem, we are a team :muscle:

Also your BP should looks like that


Yes, it does. Except that it is also no Txs and no incoming peers.


Did you edited your topology updater for your relays by adding your BP IP to CUSTOM PEER? You should see your Relay on BP (IN PEERS) also.

If you edited… did you restart your relay?

  • My BP is an OUT peer from the Relay
  • My Relay has an IN peer, which is the BP


That should be fine, so far. In three hours, I would expect to see more IN peers.

Could you perhaps show me the set of metrics for your Relay

curl -s http://${PROM_HOST}:${PROM_PORT}/metrics | sort

I assume that, if a metric is not present here, it won’t be present in the EKG output either

curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' http://${EKG_HOST}:${EKG_PORT} | jq 

gLiveView can only show what it gets from http://${EKG_HOST}:${EKG_PORT}

IMHO, it should ideally distinguish between metrics that are not available (N/A) and 0 for int values.

The zero Processed TX issue might be unrelated to the topology issue.

You relay is not to IN in your BP right?

It looks like this. The BP is making an OUT connection to the Relay. There is no IN connection.


netcat is fine

$ nc -zvw100 3001
Connection to port 3001 [tcp/redwood-broker] succeeded!

Delete your picture with relay peers… you BP ip is visible there

Don’t worry, these IPs will change once I have a working setup. The communication between Relay/BP can happen on a private network.

A ok, restart your BP and check again

No incoming on the BP

In the log I see this on the BP

on the Relay, I see warning like this …

tell me when you will see in your topologyupdater log:
“iptype”: 4, “msg”: "glad you want to stay with us

also check your BP config file
compare it with:

after … restart your BP

ok, will do. What about those tx metrics? Is it ok that they are not available when there still is a topology issue?

The topology is now saying …

core@cardano02:~$ cat /opt/cardano/logs/topologyUpdater_lastresult.json
{ "resultcode": "203", "datetime":"2020-12-26 14:20:02", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "welcome to the topology" }

I hope you are not running topologyupdater on BP …
Yes, after we will solve the topology issue you will be able to see tx incrementing.

I now have “glad you’re staying with us”

Many more OUT connections, still no IN (except my BP node) and still no Txs



This is running on Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Can you paste here config.json output?

It’s here